From Partial To Purposeful: 5 Keys To Perfect Your Hiring Process

Mary Despe
3 min readDec 29, 2020
Photo credit: Adriy Popov (

If you’re like a lot of people running a business, hiring is something you say is important to your organization but may actually be something to which you don’t put the right amount of time and energy as you should.

Between raising capital, landing new customers, pleasing the current ones, and developing new products, it’s not a surprise to find yourself second-guessing how much time it takes to bring the right people onboard.

Though many founders, solopreneurs, and others tasked to bring ‘the dream’ to life have the right instincts and hard-hitting questions when talking to prospects, that alone does not make a complete nor effective hiring process. Companies should take the time to see how they do things, as a thorough review would likely yield valuable insights — and equally important, an understanding of what they might be missing from their existing procedures. In order to achieve a hiring process that’s more purposeful than partial, here are five key things to focus upon:

  • The plan. It’s often the most underrated and unsexy part of hiring. That said, it’s also the most important. It puts forth the road map of what you want to accomplish along with all the details to get it done. What questions do we ask? When are we aiming to have someone onboard? Do we want to have multiple…



Mary Despe

Mary Despe is a Hawaii-based Career Coach. Golf, Dogs, Aloha… everyday.