What’s the best approach to research the company or job you want?

Mary Despe
4 min readAug 9, 2022
Woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a black, sleeveless shirt, is looking off into the distance, in contemplation. There are question marks in the background, indicating she is thinking about the topic of the story, which discusses the best ways to research a job or company one would like to work for.
Photo credit: 123rf.com (alphaspirit)

Someone recently reached out to me on LinkedIn about a job.

They wanted more details about a role that was posted.

Though I hadn’t shared it online nor was it something that I typically recruit for, the inquiry wasn’t out of the ordinary.

After all, I am a Recruiter.

While I’m certainly not perfect, I’ve always tried to help folks in search of opportunities, by way of pointing them in a more suitable direction, or referring to others better equipped, even if it wasn’t my job.

However… this particular “ask” was a bit different.

They didn’t have questions about the description nor the responsibilities.

They wanted to know more about what the hiring manager was really looking for — if I could shed light into what would make them stand out, offer any additional information that might help them position themselves as a more desirable candidate than others applying to the role.

This kind of request, in my opinion, belongs in the “You need to do your research” category of your job search.

While people can have differing opinions on what the ‘right’ thing to do would be, this request got me thinking:



Mary Despe

Mary Despe is a Hawaii-based Career Coach. Golf, Dogs, Aloha… everyday. marydespe.com